Extracts from the essence of The Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC); – It serves as a pivotal institution in Nigeria’s democratic landscape, embodying the collaborative spirit
of all registered political parties in the nation. Established to facilitate dialogue, protect the interests of political entities, and uphold the principles of transparency and fairness in electoral processes, IPAC holds a vital position in ensuring the vibrancy and credibility of Nigeria’s democracy. As the
custodian of democratic ideals, IPAC is committed to fostering an environment where elections are conducted freely, fairly, and transparently, thereby safeguarding the integrity of Nigeria’s electoral system.

In crafting its strategic plan for the period 2024-2028, IPAC recognises the evolving nature of democratic governance and the imperative to adapt to emerging challenges and
opportunities. Guided by its vision to consolidate and deepen democracy, IPAC’s strategic plan articulates a clear mission and set of core values that underpin its
commitment to promoting inclusivity, political stability, and
the peaceful conduct of electoral processes.

With a focus on promoting dialogue among political parties, defending their collective interests, enhancing transparency in elections, coordinating electoral administration, and fostering
collaboration with relevant stakeholders, IPAC seeks to strengthen its role as a catalyst for
democratic consolidation and good governance in Nigeria.

This strategic plan represents a roadmap for IPAC’s engagement over the next four years, outlining strategic priorities, objectives, and action plans to achieve its overarching goals. By prioritising dialogue, inclusivity, and transparency, IPAC aims to build trust among political actors,
citizens, and electoral stakeholders, thereby enhancing the credibility and legitimacy of Nigeria’s
electoral processes. Through proactive leadership and effective coordination, IPAC endeavours
to contribute to the sustenance of democratic norms, the promotion of political pluralism, and the advancement of Nigeria’s democratic aspirations on the global stage. Some of these Objectives of IPAC as to Promote Dialogue and Defend Interest of all Political Parties in Nigeria as well, Supervise and Coordinate the administration of the Institute established for the Inter-Party Advisory Council, Promotion of Transparency and Work Harmoniously for the good of our Nation Nigeria.

The participation, therefore of the APGA (All Progressives Grand Alliance) National Chairman in the IPAC (Inter-Party Advisory Council) 2024-2028 strategic plan presentation in Abuja can have several effects specific to the party. These potential outcomes include:

1. Party representation and influence: The national chairman’s participation in the IPAC strategic plan presentation represents APGA’s active involvement and engagement in the political process. It provides an opportunity for the chairman to represent the party’s interests, voice its concerns, and contribute to the strategic planning discussions. By actively participating, the chairman can seek to influence the direction of the strategic plan and ensure that APGA’s objectives and priorities are adequately reflected.

2. Party unity and cohesion: This will promote and foster a sense of unity and cohesion within APGA. It demonstrates the chairman’s commitment to inclusivity, collective decision-making, and the party’s shared vision. The chairman’s participation sends a message to APGA members that their leader is actively working towards the party’s success and actively engaging with other political parties to find common ground.

3. Coalition-building and alliances: IPAC meetings provide a platform for political parties to engage in dialogue, build relationships, and explore opportunities for collaboration. The national chairman’s participation allows them to network with leaders from other parties, identify potential areas of cooperation, and build alliances. This can be particularly
valuable for APGA in terms of forming strategic partnerships, strengthening its political influence, and expanding its support base.

4. Enhanced credibility and visibility: The presence of the APGA National Chairman in the IPAC strategic plan presentation will enhance the party’s credibility and visibility. It signifies to other political parties, stakeholders, and the public that APGA is actively involved in the political landscape and committed to strategic planning. The chairman’s participation can lend legitimacy to the party’s ideas and initiatives, increase confidence in APGA’s
leadership, and attract attention from the media and the public.

5. Policy advocacy and electoral reforms: The IPAC strategic plan presentation provides a platform for discussing policy issues and electoral reforms. The national chairman’s participation allows APGA to advocate for its policy positions and engage in meaningful discussions with other parties and stakeholders. It provides an opportunity to influence the political agenda, shape electoral reforms, and promote APGA’s policy priorities.

6. Party branding and messaging: The national chairman’s participation in the IPAC meeting can be leveraged as a branding and messaging opportunity for APGA. It allows the chairman to articulate the party’s vision, goals, and values to a broader audience. Media coverage of the event and the chairman’s involvement can help disseminate APGA’s message, increase public awareness of the party’s platform, and potentially attract new supporters and voters.

In summary, the APGA National Chairman’s participation in the IPAC 2024-2028 strategic plan presentation can have significant effects on the party’s representation, unity, coalition-building efforts, credibility, policy advocacy, and branding. It provides a platform for APGA to actively engage in the political process, promote its agenda, and collaborate with other parties and stakeholders TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF NIGERIAN POLITICS.

May APGA continue to thrive under your exceptional National leadership!

For and on-behalf of Office of the APGA National Chairman

Nduka Anyanwu