YOUNG Nigerians are going crazy on tik-tok and other social media platforms.

Apart from the fun contents on such platforms provide, they also earn huge revenues for their creators.
The size of revenue, however, depends on the level of clicks or viewership on the contents.
Economy & Lifestyle discovered that because the revenues come in hard currencies, which if converted to local currency, transforms the lives of these young Nigerians, there is a flood of content creators who crave for captivating contents that will generate millions of views, comments, likes and shares.
Funnily,one of the contents found to attract both the young and old alike, and rake in huge clicks for the creators is anyone exposing female genitals like breasts, buttocks and other private parts.
This realisation has taken content creators to adopting the use of artificial breast and buttocks
Seeing these tricks, some Nigerian business men have also taken to importing or creating elastic silicone breasts and buttocks to help creators.
These content creators now patronize them making their bodily endowments look real and floppy.
They create such things to make online viewers watch them more than twice and help in sharing, liking and commenting on them.