Here are highlights of the House of Representatives Committee on Public Petitions Investigative Hearing of Wednesday, 24th January, 2024.

The committee chairman, Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba kicked off hearing at exactly 3:04pm with an opening prayer. This was followed by introduction of all the Honourable Members present.

The first case of the day was a petition by Association of Rivers and Akwa-Ibom Oil Producing States, Niger Delta Region against The Management of NNPC Limited for awarding pipeline surveillance contracts (Local Content Contract) meant for indigenes of Rivers and Akwa-Ibom Oil Producing States to the three Delta State indigenes and an appeal to summon and compel NNPC Limited. (First Summon).

The Chairman called upon the petitioner. Infortunately, both the petitioner and respondent were not present at the hearing. The case was therefore adjourned to 15th February, 2024.

The Clerk immediately called the second case, a petition by Otunba Oyewole Badmus Aderehinwo against Central Bank of Nigeria and Federal Inland Revenue Service, concerning stamp duty evasion. (First Summon).

Both the petitioner and respondent were also not present at the hearing. The chairman

also adjourned the case to 15th February, 2024.

The third case of the day, a petition by Parents Teachers Association (PTA) against Federal Ministry of Education Staff at Federal Science and Technology College, Usi in Ekiti State, was officially dismissed by the Chairman. It was a First Summon, as the petitioner (PTA) requested for prompt intervention and investigation into the activities of the Ministry.

Before the dismissal, the respondent stood to explain to the House that PTA’s petition is an outdated matter at the moment. She further explained that during the first week of school resumption, students only run around as the School Management does its best to clean the enitre environment in other to make the school comfortabe and conducive for the students. She stated that PTA was very quick to protest or petition against the School Management. She categorically said that the issue is outdated, as the case has been resolved. “The School Management does everything possible for the comfort of the students”, she said. She concluded that the PTA has even written an apology letter to the School Management.

The case was therefore officially dismissed by the Chairman of the House.

The fourth case of the day, a petition by Emeka Wogu & Co. on behalf of Chief Amaechi Ugorji against National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking In Person (NAPTIP), requesting for intervention in the matter of one Miss Gold Amaechi (17 years old) who has been in custody of NAPTIP for upward of six months over a matter of domestic accident with her guardian Mrs. Chinenye Vivian Onyeigwe. (First Summon).

Barr. Nkasiobi Mgbemene who stood for the petitioner, told the House that upon the letters written to NAPTIP, it never responded till it was petitioned. He stated that the young girl in question has not been released. Though, he said that the matter has been substantially resolved. “It is all about the NAPTIP DG’s release of fund for her transportation,” he stated.

As other respondents were not present at the hearing, the Chairman thereby, stepped down the matter.

The last case of the day, a petition by Alfa Onum against Nigeria Custom Service on non compliance with House resolution (First Summon), was also adjourned to 15th February, 2024, as both the petitioner and respondent were not present.

More to come on efforts of Rt. Hon. Mike Etaba’s Committee, in resolving public petitions in Nigeria.

Comrade CHILAGOROM Ifeanyi