During times of trials, hunger, and economic hardship in Nigeria, the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) proffers various solutions based on its political and developmental agenda. While specific approaches may vary, here are some general solutions that APGA proposes:

ECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATION: APGA advocate for diversifying Nigeria’s economy beyond oil dependency. This could involve supporting sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, technology, and renewable energy. By promoting economic diversification, APGA aims to create new job opportunities, boost local production, and reduce the country’s vulnerability to
commodity price fluctuations.

SOCIAL SAFETY NETS: APGA proposes the implementation or enhancement of social safety net programs, such as targeted cash transfers or conditional cash transfer schemes. These programs
aim to provide direct assistance to vulnerable populations, including the poor, unemployed, and internally displaced persons, to alleviate their immediate hardships. This has to be strategically routed to the potential beneficiaries through a well structured and technologically driven approach.

AGRICULTURAL REVITALIZATION: APGA prioritizes revitalizing the agricultural sector by promoting modern farming techniques, providing access to affordable credit for farmers, improving irrigation systems, and investing in agro-processing infrastructure. This could help increase food production, reduce food insecurity, and create employment opportunities in rural areas.

JOB CREATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: APGA advocate for policies and programs that stimulate job creation and entrepreneurship. This could include providing support and incentives
for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), improving the ease of doing business, fostering innovation and technology-driven enterprises, and expanding vocational training programs to
equip individuals with relevant skills.

INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: APGA emphasizes the need for infrastructure development as a catalyst for economic growth and poverty reduction. This could involve prioritizing investments in roads, railways, ports, power generation and distribution, and telecommunications. Improved infrastructure can enhance productivity, attract investments, and facilitate trade and commerce.

GOOD GOVERNANCE AND ANTI-CORRUPTION: APGA emphasizes the importance of good governance, transparency, and accountability in addressing Nigeria’s challenges. Strengthening anti-corruption measures, promoting ethical leadership, and ensuring efficient public service delivery can help restore public trust, eliminate wastage of resources, and create an enabling environment for economic growth.

ACCESS TO EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE: APGA prioritize improving access to quality education and healthcare services. This could involve increasing investment in education infrastructure, teacher training, and scholarship programs. Similarly, APGA advocate for
increased funding for healthcare infrastructure, improved access to healthcare facilities, and the implementation of health insurance schemes to provide affordable healthcare for all.

COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS: APGA encourages collaboration with international development partners, non-governmental organizations, and private sector entities to leverage resources, expertise, and knowledge. Such partnerships can support the implementation of development
programs, facilitate technology transfer, and attract investments to drive economic growth and poverty reduction.

YOUTH EMPOWERMENT: APGA prioritizes youth empowerment by implementing programs that provide skills training, entrepreneurship opportunities, and access to affordable capital for
young people. This approach aims to address youth unemployment and harness the potential of the youth population for economic growth and innovation.

SUPPORT FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMERS: APGA focus on supporting smallholder farmers by providing them with improved access to credit, agricultural inputs, and modern farming techniques. This support can enhance agricultural productivity, increase incomes for farmers, and contribute to food security.

INFRASTRUCTURE FOR VALUE ADDITION: APGA promotes the development of infrastructure for value addition in key sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing. This could involve
establishing processing and storage facilities, cold chains, and industrial parks. Value addition enhances the competitiveness of Nigerian products, promotes job creation, and reduces post- harvest losses.

REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND TRADE: APGA advocate for increased regional integration and trade within Africa. This includes promoting free trade agreements, harmonizing trade policies, and improving transportation and services across borders. Regional integration can expand market access for Nigerian businesses and stimulate economic growth.

PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS: APGA encourage the establishment of public-private partnerships (PPPs) to attract private sector investments in critical sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, and healthcare. PPPs can enhance efficiency, leverage private sector expertise, and mobilize additional resources for development projects.

ENERGY SECTOR REFORMS: APGA prioritizes reforms in the energy sector to improve access to reliable and affordable electricity. This could involve diversifying the energy mix, promoting renewable energy sources, and enhancing the efficiency of power distribution and transmission systems. Access to reliable electricity is crucial for industrial growth, job creation, and quality of
life improvement. – Aba IPP recently lunched as a given model.

STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONS: APGA focus on strengthening institutions responsible for governance, regulatory oversight, and public service delivery. This includes promoting transparency, accountability, and professionalism within these institutions to enhance their
effectiveness and ensure efficient service provision to the public.

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION: APGA emphasizes the importance of inclusive governance by encouraging citizen engagement and participation in decision-making
processes. This involves creating platforms for dialogue, soliciting public input, and incorporating feedback from various stakeholders to ensure that policies and programs address the needs
and aspirations of the Nigerian people.

It’s important to note that the specific solutions and strategies proposed by APGA or any political party may be influenced by their ideological stance, policy priorities, and the prevailing
socio-economic conditions in Nigeria. These solutions aim to address immediate challenges while also laying the foundation for long-term sustainable development and inclusive growth.

For and on-behalf of Barrister Sly Ezeokenwa,
APGA National Chairman

Nduka Anyanwu