Mike Ikeokwu, the owner of All Seasons Hotel Owerri, finds himself grappling with an alarming situation as he decries the persistent harassment and threats leveled against both his life and property by the Imo State government. The backdrop to this distressing narrative unfolds over the past three months, marked by partial destruction of sections of All Seasons Hotel—a matter currently entangled in a legal dispute.
Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, a sudden and severe turn of events has placed Ikeokwu under heightened pressure, as he now confronts an ultimatum to vacate the entire edifice of All Seasons Hotel within a mere seven days. This abrupt demand casts a shadow of uncertainty over the future of the establishment.
In a heartfelt appeal, Ikeokwu reaches out to the people of Imo State, beseeching their support and intervention in this tumultuous ordeal. His plea echoes not only a personal cry for justice but also a call to the collective conscience of the Imo community. The fate of All Seasons Hotel now hangs in the balance, awaiting the response and solidarity of the very people it has served.